Illustration with very visible Japonaiserie aspects
I recently came across a question about using Japanese items in a Victorian setting. I recalled a movement, which I detailed below, called Japonaiserie, which briefly explains how Japanese influences impacted Victorian Culture...
After opening of trade between Japan and the West, artists begin buying Japanese art, usually prints rather than original works. The resulting movement, Japonaiserie, becomes an influence on modern art. Degas, Manet, and Monet, among the impressionists, all collect Japanese prints; somewhat later, so does Van Gogh. Japanese furniture influences French interior design as well. Japonaiserie has some influence on the general public, who may not appreciate all the aesthetic nuances, but find Japan quaint, exotic, or charming.
Stoddard, W.H. (2000) - Gurps Steampunk, pg. 119, SJG:Austin
[edited for removal of game specific content]
The original "Ohashi bridge in the rain", by U. Hiroshige (top), and Van Gogh's "Bridge in the Rain" (bottom)
So, in response to the inquiry, I would say it would be perfectly fine, as long as you make an attempt to ensure it fits the goals of the movment. If one wishes to research this topic further, please consider the following linkages:
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Japonaiserie (Victorian Culture)
Posted by
9:59 PM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Cherry Tokyo's Kimono
I went on a shopping trip to one of Cherry Tokyo's Kimono shops at Boracay Island ( in search of a furisode kimono.
I had been there a few times before contemplating on getting a kimono for some time now....I remember that Cherry had furisodes-sooo what better way to wrap up the furisode kimono topic than with one of Cherry Tokyo's Kimonos! :)
I browsed around the store and found a variety fo beautiful kimono styles, other Asian wear, and some menswear. Hey Fellas! Cherry said that she is expanding the menswear line this week!
She has new kimonos out that come with: flexi skirt prims, basic shoes, Oiran and a Geisha/Maiko obi, flexi sleeves, uchikake (Japanese overcoat) & prim arm sleeves, 3 tiered prim collar, skirt, glitch pants, shirt, & a body shape.
Well, I have made my selection. I purchased the green furisode kimono. The cost for this kimono was $400L which includes at least 11 pieces (skirt, sleeves, shirt, collar, fans, and obi). I head home to take more photos.
I would suggest that you join her update group (search in "All" and enter: Cherry Tokyo's Kimono) for sales and freebies.
I also suggest that you check out her blog Cherry Tokyo's Kimonos for the newest outfits, updates, and sales. I missed a recent sale! LOL!
Here is a view of the furisode kimono with Sensu and Maiko collar. A geisha collar is included as an option.
The obi bow and sleeves are flexible. I took various shots so that you can see the fabric detail.
The Wrap Up
Main Store
Posted by
Artesia Beaumont
10:33 AM
Labels: Cherry Tokyo's Kimono, Furisode, Kimono
Monday, July 23, 2007
Kimono (Furisode) Dressing
This is so far the best example of furisode dressing and a young lady's preparation for the Coming of Age day (Seijin shiki) that I could find. The clip highlights detailed work involved in putting a beautiful outfit together. You will see some of the layering, tying, and fabric placement that is involved in dressing in a furisode.
Posted by
Artesia Beaumont
2:35 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007

The pictures reflect beauty, structure, tradition of the furisode kimono. Yes, the furisode is a beautiful garment, but I think they young ladies make them even more beautiful!
Website of Interests
I ran across this website ( This site discusses kimonos historically and the types of kimonos. There is a topic on furisode which include vintage furisode pictures.
This is a blog that contains more Coming of Age Pictures:
Posted by
Artesia Beaumont
5:55 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Men's kimonos - an introduction

Thanks for the opportunity to add to your blog, Artesia! I’m going over some men’s kimonos, as it isn’t a topic that is often touched upon. Most guys who arrive in-world, and want to involve themselves in a Japanese/Martial Arts/Oriental background and/or rp will usually look for a good weapon (mostly katanas – at least to start)… and then realize that they need to look the part, not just have a good-looking weapon (your skills, on the other hand – that’s your problem)! There are plenty of flashy anime-type uniforms (no, I’m not knocking them – I have plenty of them myself), but for those who wish to indulge in a more authentic-type Japanese background, you’re going to need a kimono.

There are essentially two main groups of men’s kimonos in SL, formal and informal. Formal kimonos tend to be really sharp, but … expensive. Informal kimonos are the opposite (lol), they are really basic (muted colors), but cost little to nothing. Yes, there are freebees out there, but… you get what you pay for! If you go cheap, it’ll show (generally speaking). So, if you want your ninja/samurai/monk to impressive or have more intricate detail to his garments, you’re going to have to spend some money.

ChaosSun Woebegon has provided really inexpensive kimonos for men, in white and black, for $L1 each – you can go to slexchange to obtain one…
Posted by
12:47 PM
Labels: Male Garments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Truely Peaceful
This is a picture shot at on the mountain side of Semple Truth (Amatsu Mitsukai 225,222,23).
I am wearing the Konparu Kimono in Pink from BareRose Tokyo
Posted by
Artesia Beaumont
12:32 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Bare Rose Tokyo

It is called Konparu and it comes in three colors (Black, Pink, and Red).
This is a close up of the pink obi.

Backview of the Konparu Kimono.

Posted by
Artesia Beaumont
10:49 PM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Kimono Fashion Show: Japanese Bliss
This Youtube video called Japanese Bliss: Kimono features a Kimono fashion show in Los Angeles 2006.
Posted by
Artesia Beaumont
2:59 PM
Sunday, July 8, 2007
The Kimono
The House of Zen post was a great learning experience and fun. I have learned that many people enjoy wearing kimono in SL as much or more that I do!
I would like to ask my fellow bloggers to submit to me the names of any Second Life (SL) shoppes that sell Kimono! I'd like to compile a list of vendors that sell Kimono. If you'd like to add info about the contents includes, quality, or price, that would be great too!
I am also learning about kimono. Here is a good basic description of a kimono from Wikipedia:
The kimono (着物, kimono? literally "something worn") is the national costume of
Japan. Originally the word "kimono" referred to all types of clothing, but it
has come to mean specifically the full-length traditional garment worn by women,
men, and children.Kimonos are T-shaped, straight-lined robes that fall to the
ankle, with collars and wide, full-length sleeves.
Kimono are wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right and secured by a wide belt called an obi, which is tied at the back. Kimono are generally worn with traditional footwear (especially geta, thonged wood-platform footwear; and zori, a type of thong-like footwear) and split-toe socks (tabi).
Kimono are made of silk and are usually very expensive. The style and color of a Kimono may depend on the occasion, the age and the marital status of the person wearing it. Today, they are worn at formal or traditional occasions such as funerals, wedding, or tea ceremonies.
Finally, I learned that the plural of kimono is......kimono! lol! I plan to go into more detail regarding the different styles of kimono and accessories as I blog along. One thing for sure blogging like SL is addictive. Perhaps the two go hand in hand! LOL!
Posted by
Artesia Beaumont
6:29 PM
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
House of Zen
As you can tell in the picture above, the store is beautifully and richly designed. The owners of the House of Zen located in Hinode Shima (195, 98, 25) are Zen Deledda & Racknar Prevost. It is located in a beautifully designed Asian themed Sim. Zen and Raccknar’s clothing prices range from 50L to 1500L.
The House of Zen has a large selection of Oriental clothing as well as hair, shoes and accessories for men and women. A few of the Oriental influences were of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in nature. They are currently setting up their blog to keep customers aware of the latest fashion and other information (
So then I took a stroll around the Hinode Shima Sim and found other shops there that are worth checking out. I found a hot-looking Yellow Salsa dress on sale that I could not pass up!
I wandered further to find that the beautiful and peaceful Sim has a mountain side with waterfalls and quiet areas. I can imagine the owners retreating to this area to relax and meditate.
Posted by
Artesia Beaumont
5:43 PM